>> Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fly fishing can be used on virtually all species of fish. Here in southern Illinois I use for largemouth bass, trout, white bass, redear, crappie, pumpkinseed, bluegill and perch. The following is my feeble attempt to demystify the equipment.

In getting started, there are four basic areas of tackle to be approached: the rod, the reel, lines and lures. In addition, it would be a good idea to take some instruction or view a couple of the excellent videos available on the subject. Check your local tackle shop for the fly fishing section and ask their advice. With the right equipment and a little practice one can quickly get started.

Fly rods come in different weights and are marked on the rod with numbers from 1 to 13. They run in lengths form 6 ½ feet to 9 feet. The longer ones are usually for casting large wind resistant lures with heavier line. Shorter rods are for fishing small streams. Beginners are probably better off with the middle size of 6 or 7 which are good for bass and bluegill. To begin, most anglers are well advised to stick to one hat is made of fiberglass rather than some of the other materials that are more expensive. A glass rod will allow one to cast medium-size bass bugs as well as small panfish flies.

Next one needs a reel to go on the fly rod. The reel has nothing to do with the casting in fly fishing. It is a simple single action line holder. The spool is usually about 3/4 inches wide with a friction built in so that line does not roll off it without some pull by the angler. The weight of the reel should balance the rod. It should also match the species you plan to catch. For bass and panfish the reel will only help keep the kinks out of the fly line. For the bigger fish a different reel with drag will be required. A quality reel is a lifetime investment that can be passed on to other generations. Therefore, it is good to purchase the best reel you can afford.

Modern fly lines are of many types and weights that are matched to the fish the angler is seeking. The best all around line for the beginner is the floating line. It works for bass and bluegill as well as dry flies. Later one can graduate to the floating line with sinking tips, slow sinking and fast sinking lines which are used to put flies at different depths for fish. Fly lines are tapered toward the leader end and there is only about 30 yards on the average line. For bass bug casting one uses weight forward line. The extra weight at the forward end of the line helps push bugs or flies. Most good rods will have the size and type of line that is recommended for that particular rod written on them.

At the end of the line is the leader which is usually about 6 to 7 feet in length. Most are tapered to a small size at the tippet. Knotless tapered leaders are easiest to handle. Tippet strength is marked by an "X" number. 2X or 3X are good numbers.

Finally is the lure. Begin with small bass surface bugs in plastic, cork, or deer hair for topwater panfishing. Little sinking bugs can be used for bluegills. Number 10 or 12 are good sizes in dry, wet or nymph flies. Number 6, 8, or 10 are good for streamers which are supposed to look like minnows to the fish. As for colors, choose black and browns or grays and white.

Once you get hooked on fly fishing you will find that there is more to it than we are able to talk about her. But, this will get your started in the right direction.



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